Healing through art is a big thing for me. I've had a lot of pain in my life and one of my few measures of solace and joy comes from my art craft work.
Today I had a wonderful amazing experience. I have a new student in one of my knit classes. Like me, in the past year, she has gone through some monumental life changes. There had been three deaths in her immediate family and she changed her job. It just goes to show you that we never know who we will meet and what others have been or are going through.
But his woman amazes me. Although she's very young she has a maturity and grace that surpasses most people twice her age.
As I was teaching her how to knit we talked about her goals for the class. She told me that a lot of her friends are having babies and how she wants an affordable way to make presents for all of them. We decided on some toy and baby set projects. I have no doubt that her knitting skill will be up to par to accomplish these tasks.
Meeting and working with her today, made me happy and gave me the strength to continue to ploy along during this difficult time. Her inner grace blessed my heart and put it on the pathway to peace and healing. All while knitting on our # 8 knitting needles her thread mutli colored greens and mine red. Yes there's healing power in crafting.
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