Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Temple of Creativity

Well I've been knitting in red lately. I've fallen in love with the color red, in all it's glorious hues. For me red represents healing. Healing a broken heart rebuilding a crushed spirit. Rekindling the fire of creativity and confidence.

When I'm crafting I take pleasure in watching my projects develop. I love to note stitch definition in patterns and find delight in each well constructed beautiful projects.

As I've said before, for me crafting is a spiritual experience. I can go into another realm when I'm working with my yarn on a project. I have the same feeling when I'm painting or writing. When I'm communing in sync with my Muses I'm on cloud nine. I feel like I'm in a temple of protection and beauty where my unique creativity shines and resonates to the highest rung of Heaven. My own personal symphony of joy, and peace. A refuge from the sorrow and carnage of lives frustrations and worries.

Thank Goddess I'm my own personal artist. Thank Goddess I know how to knit and crochet.

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