Friday, November 26, 2010

Healing with Craft

For many years, I've recognized the fact that for me crafting is healing. When I'm making something whether it be knitting, crocheting or art journaling the process and the completion can be a transformative healing experience.

Lately, this notion has even more resonance because I've been going through some really difficult times. Deaths of friends and distant family members, chronic illness, betrayals by new so called friends and a no good boyfriend. Have all left me feeling angry, lonely and abandoned. Consequently, all of these issues have left my heart raw with pain. But instead of screaming with rage or to paraphrase the title from a Loretta Lynn song going to "Fist City", I make something.

Yet when I take up my knitting needles,crochet hook or pen and paintbrush, I can create a healing salve for my heart through my art craft.

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